Garden Club Celebrates 90 Years!
The New Smyrna Beach Garden Club celebrated its 90th anniversary with a party on November 15th at the clubhouse on Turnbull Bay Rd. The New Smyrna Beach High School Jazz Ensemble serenaded the members and their guests who enjoyed homemade hors d’œuvres and a garden of cakes.
The Mayor’s Proclamation – NSB Mayor Russ Owen read to Club President Kathy Healy a proclamation honoring the Garden Club and declaring November 15, 2019 “New Smyrna Beach Garden Club Day.”
Live Jazz – The New Smyrna Beach High School Jazz Band enhanced the festivities.
A Garden of Cakes – NSBGC Vice President P.J. Arvidson revealed another talent when she contributed a array of delicious, beautifully decorated cakes.